Whitney Kallenbach
Clinical Educator for Therapeutic Recreation

Email kallenbachwm@longwood.edu
Phone (434) 395-2550
Department HARK Department
Office Willett 104E-2

Whitney Kallenbach grew up in rural New York State, about an hour outside of Buffalo. After 18 years of cold winters, she decided to attend the University of Florida for her undergraduate degree. During that time, she was exposed to the field of Therapeutic Recreation and fell in love. Ms. Kallenbach then decided to pursue her Master’s degree in Therapeutic Recreation at the State University of New York at Cortland. In 2009, she moved to Richmond to work as a Therapeutic Recreation Specialist at Sheltering Arms Rehabilitation Hospital. After 5 years there, Ms. Kallenbach then transitioned to a role as a Recreation Therapist at Hunter Holmes McGuire VA Medical Center. There, her specialty areas became Spinal Cord Injury therapy and Adaptive Sports. In her free time, she loves reading, particularly historical fiction. She also loves spending time with her husband and two children going to the beach, swimming, eating ice cream and exploring the playgrounds of Richmond.

