Gregory Mole
Assistant Professor of History

Phone (434) 395-2218
Department History, Political Science, and Philosophy
Office Rotunda East 240

Dr. Mole received his M.A. and his Ph.D from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His current book project, Orphan Empire: Frontier Politics and the Making of Modern France explores the intersection of globalization, state-building, and scandal in eighteenth-century France. It focuses on the controversial history of the Compagnie des Indes, the crown-sponsored corporaton that oversaw French trade and administration in India from 1719 to 1769. The project examines the global convulsions generated by this "failed" empire--and the fractured political lives, loyalties, and identities left in their wake.

He has published portions of this research in Outre-Mers and La Révolution française, with another article forthcoming with French Historical Studies in February 2021. Future research interests include a history of poverty in France's eighteenth-century empire.


