Matt McGregor, Longwood’s associate dean of wellness, has received a national award from the National Intramural Recreational Sports Association (NIRSA).

McGregor was one of four professional members, and two student members, to receive the National Service Award from NIRSA, an advocacy organization that represents the interests of college recreation programs. The award, presented March 7 during NIRSA’s national conference in Las Vegas, cites McGregor for "exceptional leadership serving as chair of the National School of Recreational Sports Management and dedication to enhancing the School learning objectives." 

"The National Service Award recognizes volunteer service beyond what they deem normal service," said McGregor, who attended the conference with Gus Hemmer, associate director of campus recreation.

McGregor chaired the 2012 National School of Recreational Sports Management, held June 4-7  in San Antonio. "The School, which is offered annually to 48 professionals, is the centerpiece of NIRSA’s professional development program," said McGregor, active in NIRSA since 1991. This year’s National School of Recreational Sports Management, to be held June 2-6 in Portland, will be the fourth and final time that McGregor will serve as a member of the six-member faculty.

McGregor came to Longwood as director of campus recreation in 2005. He was promoted in July 2009 to his current position, in which he oversees Campus Recreation, Counseling And Psychological Services, the Student Health & Wellness Center, the Golf Course, and Environmental Health & Safety.

"Matt is highly thought of as an administrator, scholar and role model in the wellness field," said Dr. Tim Pierson, vice president for student affairs. "When we were designing the Health and Fitness Center, he was instrumental in helping us shape a modern program for today’s wellness area. He really helped us integrate health and wellness for our students."

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