[For the latest updates, visit the Longwood Alerts Website]

Several days ago, a norovirus appeared in the region and affected a large number of students at nearby Hampden-Sydney College. Longwood University is working closely with Centra Southside Hospital and other outside agencies to stay informed about the spread of this highly contagious virus, and so far we have seen only a handful of cases on campus.

Longwood has taken several steps to prevent the spread of the virus, including:

  • Cleaning staff has been stepping up cleaning efforts, including using stronger chemicals to clean common areas, bathrooms, doorknobs, handrails and other surfaces that are in use by a large portion of the university community.
  • Cleaning staff are on call to respond to incidents where bodily fluids may pose a risk to the campus community.
  • Bleach wipes will be available by this evening at the front desks of residence hall buildings for use by students to clean their living spaces.
  • University staff is communicating Centra Southside Hospital and other local agencies to stay informed about the virus to make the best decisions for the campus.

If you come in contact with bodily fluids on campus, please request housekeeping services immediately by calling 395-2310 or the Facilities Work Request number at 395-2373. If it is after 5 p.m., call the police dispatch number at 2091.

There are several preventative measures that all students, faculty and staff should take to help ward off this virus: Wash hands often for at least 20 seconds each time, stay hydrated, clean rooms, wash laundry. Using hand sanitizer that is at least 70% alcohol with help prevent the flu virus, but will not kill the norovirus.

If you come down with the virus, clean up all vomit or stool with a mixture of bleach and soapy water, push fluids by taking sips of water or sports drinks, and try to rest. A significant health risk associated with this virus is dehydration. Some of the most common signs of significant dehydration are dizziness, severe abdominal cramps and headache. If you experience no break between spells of vomiting and diarrhea, seek immediate medical attention.

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