It’s senior week, and we are highlighting some of the members of the Class of 2023 as part of our #HumansOfLongwood series. Wherever life after Longwood takes them—a new job, graduate studies or an internship—these students reflect the goals and achievements made possible in a close-knit community that promotes student involvement, values inclusion and nurtures citizen leadership in whatever form it takes.

Madison Poe ’23
HOMETOWN: Midlothian, Virginia

MAJOR: Business administration with concentration in marketing
WHAT'S NEXT: Working as a brand analyst at Altria Group

Longwood feels like home because of the community. The people here inspire me to push myself every day and become the best that I can be. I have met some of my closest friends here, those who celebrate my successes and are there for me when I need a shoulder to lean on. The faculty is always there to help me inside and outside the classroom. I remember the first time I ever had coffee with Patti Carey, the executive director of the McGaughy Internship and Professional Development Center. She asked me about my career goals. When I told her I wanted to work in branding for a Fortune 500 company, she was fully supportive. I am beyond thankful for Professor Carey and the impact she has had on my life. I don’t know where I would be without her bubbly personality and warm smile.

Being involved in Mortarboard and serving as selections co-chair was one of the biggest accomplishments of my college career. It took me until my sophomore year to get involved on campus, and this organization taught me so much that will be useful after I graduate. I was also a member of Greeks for Change, which has a mission to sustain a positive environment for all Greek organizations, and served in several leadership positions for my sorority. My experience in Sigma Kappa is something that I will be sad to let go of when I leave Longwood. I have found my best friends through this organization. This sorority was the stepping stone for me getting more involved on campus because of all the encouragement that made me feel loved and appreciated.

Over the summer of 2022, I had an opportunity to intern with Altria as a brand management intern in Richmond. My favorite aspect about working for this Fortune 500 company was being able to collaborate with cross-functional partners. I connected with different functions of the business by touring four manufacturing facilities, participating in focus groups and going on market walks. Altria’s inclusion with their intern program, workplace culture and vision for the company made me proud to accept a full-time job offer as a brand analyst following graduation. I’m overall very thankful to be going to work for a large corporation and to have access to opportunities like traveling, employee resource groups, volunteer opportunities and many more benefits. After working and getting some experience in brand management, I plan on furthering my education and pursuing my MBA.

Longwood’s Civitae Core Curriculum is one of the biggest drivers of my success. If it wasn’t for the curriculum this school offers, I wouldn’t be able to engage and think as critically about real-world issues as I can today. Civitae has helped shape me to become a citizen leader in everything I do, big and small. I also like to combine Civitae with the College of Business and Economics because they fit together perfectly in my opinion. All of my courses, soft and hard skills, real-world experiences and many more contributions have given me the confidence to leave Longwood as a more well-rounded person than I was when I arrived in 2019. I will always be the biggest cheerleader for Longwood because it has shaped me into the person I am today.

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