Present your research and creative inquiry projects at the virtual Fall Student Showcase for Research and Creative Inquiry 2020 starting on November 18, 2020. 

This event is open to all students (both undergraduate and graduate students are welcome) and all majors who are engaging in research and creative inquiry. Students doing independent study projects, research projects, and class research projects are invited to participate. Posters, oral presentations, performances, visual displays, electronic presentations, and other presentations of creative work will be showcased virtually.

Highlight your research projects and register for this exciting event by October 30, 2020 at 5pm

Fall 2020 Student Showcase Registration link expired


We will use the ForagerOne Symposium platform to display the Fall Student Showcase presentations. This platform is an easy-to-use virtual forum to share students projects. Through ForagerOne, students will be able to post poster files and videos and respond to comments. Students also will be able to submit their presentations directly to our ForagerOne Symposium site once it is posted. More information regarding file formats will be provided soon.

We will provide virtual asynchronous and synchronous options for the Fall Student Showcase. We hope that this will provide flexibility by allowing prerecorded presentations or live presentations. 

Furthermore, the ForagerOne Symposium platform allows us to host the Fall Showcase both as a private and public event.

-   Private option: The asynchronous student presentations will be available virtually starting on Wednesday, November 18, 2020 through Friday, November 20. During these dates (November 18-November 20), the presentations will only be viewable by people with a Longwood affiliation, thus keeping the event private to the Longwood community only.  Students who wish to not make their presentations public will have their presentations removed from the ForagerOne site on November 20 at 5:00pm.

-   Public option: On Saturday, November 21 we will open the event to the general public and we will also have live virtual presentation sessions on this day. The student presentations will remain posted on the Fall Student Showcase 2020 site after November 21 and will remain viewable by the general public.


The following link will take you to the registration page. Please note the registration deadline is October 30, 2020 at 5pm.

Fall 2020 Student Showcase Registration link expired

We also have the registration link posted on the Student Showcase for Research and Creative Inquiry website.


Please direct any inquiries about the Student Showcase to Amorette Barber (

We will share more information about recording the presentations and how to submit the presentation files later in the semester.