The virtual Fall Student Showcase for Research and Creative Inquiry starts Wednesday, November 18, 2020 at 9am
This year's virtual Fall Student Showcase will feature more than 250 student presentations from class research projects, CTZN 410 projects, independent study projects, and independent research projects.  Students presentations in the form of posters, oral presentations, and other presentations of creative work will be showcased virtually. 
Please see the Fall 2020 Student Showcase Program for more information about the presentations.
We have decided to use the ForagerOne Symposium platform to display the Fall Student Showcase presentations. This platform is an easy-to-use virtual forum to share students projects.  You can access the Fall Student Showcase site here:
From Wednesday November 18 – Friday November 20, the symposium website will only be accessible to Longwood affiliated students, faculty, and staff. A LancerNet ID will be required to access the presentations. Beginning on Saturday November 21, presentations will be accessible to the general public. 
We encourage you to view the presentations, ask questions, and comment on research and scholarly work from numerous students from all of Longwood's academic colleges. Many of the presentations are pre-recorded and can be accessed in the "Presentations" tab of the Fall Student Showcase event site. The live sessions can be found by clicking on the "Live Sessions" tab. These are Zoom sessions and will occur on Saturday November 21. 
The oral and poster presentations are organized in random order on the event site, but you can search by student name, discipline, project type, class name, or key word. Each pre-recorded presentation is set up to allow you to leave questions and comments for the student presenters. Questions and comments are encouraged.
Please direct any inquiries about the Student Showcase to Amorette Barber ( or visit the Student Showcase website for more details about the event.