Most Commonly Used Assistive Technology

Learning & Adaptive Software

Read & Write Gold

Read and Write Logo

Read & Write Gold is literacy software that has tools to assist students in accessing the material. Some of its features include reader software, speech to text, word prediction, and more! There are 20 total tools included in Read & Write Gold. Any student, faculty, and staff with a Longwood email can use this alternative technology. 

Read and Write Installation Instructions (pdf)

Livescribe Smartpens

Livescribe Smartpen

Livescribe smartpens are used with a special type of paper to record your classroom lectures. The pen has the ability to record what you have written and it can also pick up on what is going on around you. You can take the recordings and download them to your computer as well.

Available for Loan

Technology & Equipment

Tape Recorders

Digital Voice Recorder

Students with approved accommodations may record their class lectures with the permission of the Professor. Tape recorders can be checked out on loan from the Accessibility Resources Office. Students must provide their own batteries and cassette tapes.

Available for Loan

This is not an exhaustive list of our assistive technology services.