
Give something back to the community or make a difference for first-generation, BIPOC, Limited-income, and Transfers LU students.

CLASP has the opportunity for you to volunteer your gifts and talents in our programs in many ways:

  • Academic advising sessions
  • Women & Men Empowerment Group
  • Community projects
  • Social outings


Support, Advocate, Connect

Mentoring is an important component in being successful and achieving educational goals.

Dr. Meredith-Brown and two students blow kisses to the camera at Convocation.

Students who have mentors can benefit because of the support they receive navigating the undergraduate and graduate educational journey by imparting wisdom and advice.

Mentors also provide support for upcoming and recent graduates obtain employment in their field of study. They are also able to connect mentees with people in their network that can open the door to new possibilities.

Review the LBAA Mentor Program Policies and Procedures (pdf)

I learned how to advocate for myself, better study habits, different techniques as far as studying more efficiently, self-care, stress, management, how to diet and exercise affects my work, etc. Most importantly, how to chop up or prepare for my assignment.

Longwood University AA Student

JCPenney College Suit It Up

JCPenney College Suit It Up is a collaborative event with Universities & Colleges to provide students a special shopping event for career wear with *exclusive* discounts not available to the public.

You too can take advantage of the discounts if you volunteer your time to be a personal shopper/assistant with a student. After the shopping event, LBAA will sponsor a night of festivities in Richmond.

A hotel block has been reserved for those of you too tired to drive home. Be on the lookout for the signup and event flyer.