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logo for Speech, Hearing and Learning Services

Our Hearing Loss Support Group has met monthly for several years, but had been suspended since March 2020.  It resumed in February 2021 via a Zoom meeting.  The group discussed the challenges of communicating in new ways during the pandemic (e.g. when conversation partners are masked or only seen on a small screen).  The March meeting was held on the Longwood main campus in a socially-distanced setting.   The LACE (Listening And Communication Enhancement) auditory training program was demonstrated, and the lively group discussion culminated in a topic request for the April meeting, which will was “The impact of HL on Interpersonal Relationships”.  As always, spouses, children, friends/family and caregivers are invited to participate.   Future topics will be selected by the group; in the past we have had guest speakers from the medical field as well as demonstrations of assistive listening devices.  The groups are run by our graduate students in SLP and moderated by our audiologist Dr. Christine Eubanks. For more information, phone 434.395.2972 or email her at eubankscg@longwood.edu.