Once you sign up for the program, our hope is that you’ll set aside approximately one hour each month. Responding to time bundles activities might require some pre-planning in the case of photos, or thinking about how to respond to prompts before writing answers. 

For your efforts, 1 Hour a Month participants will earn reward points for unique Longwood gear. We want you to take pictures of yourselves wearing it too! We’ll tally your monthly submissions with completed Time Bundle activities and send rewards. 

When you complete a Time Bundle each month, simply fill out our online form which will include the opportunity to submit photos, advice, or reflections you’ve written down.


What are Priority Bundles?

Each month we’ve tried to ask for photos, reflections, and advice that have a more time sensitive purpose because they’re connected to stories we’re hoping to share that particular month. Your stories will be used to accentuate narratives and themes that may help our admissions team enroll new students, for example, as well as important priorities for our Institutional Advancement and Student Success teams. 

The monthly Priority Bundle is created each month to reflect more time sensitive narratives, but we’ve created nine other time bundles that offer topics that are helpful at all times of year. We think you’ll have fun completing all of them!


Get Started

Just follow the topic prompts and log your time by sharing your photos, advice, and reflections. On the time log submission form you’ll be asked to upload your stories and will be given more instructions.



Can I mix and match Time Bundles and do some activities from more than one? 

Absolutely! Just let us know the activities you selected. You don't have to complete all Time Bundle options, one of the submissions may take you an hour.

Will my photos and submissions be shared on social media? 

The goal of the volunteer experiences is for participants to help grow and strengthen the Longwood network by sharing their stories through photos, advice, and reflections. Any photos or text submitted during the 1 Hour program may be used on the longwood.edu website and shared across social media accounts. Although we won’t use all the stories submitted by volunteer participants, we hope to use as many as possible. 

Will my photos and text submissions be edited? 

We will be doing tons of editing! We’re going to clip, crop, snip, and cut volunteer submissions and turn them into great digital stories.