Q: What is Ring Ceremony?

Ring Ceremony is the event where students are presented with their class ring. The ceremony is an important and symbolic moment for any Longwood student, and it involves a two-part process. First, the day before the ceremony, staff from the alumni office place all rings in the traditional locked chest designed and decorated by members of CHI, Princeps and CAHOOTS. The trunk remains in the Rotunda overnight under the watchful eye of Joanie, where they are imbued with Longwood spirit. The second part occurs the next day when students are presented with their rings by Longwood's President and a representative of the Alumni Board.

Q: When is Ring Ceremony?

Ring Ceremony will be held March of every year. This upcoming ceremony will be held on Saturday, March 23, 2024.

Q: Who is invited?

Juniors and seniors who purchase a Longwood class ring, plus their guests, are invited to Ring Ceremony. E-invitations are emailed out in February.

Q: Can I get my ring/my child's ring before the ceremony?

We do not receive the rings until a day or two before the ceremony, and thus we are unable to mail or distribute rings prior to the ceremony. If you cannot attend Ring Ceremony, you or your child can pick the ring up in the Office of Alumni and Career Services (Maugans G03) starting the first business day after the ceremony.

Q: I don't know my ring size; what do I do?

There are several ways to go about finding your ring size. One option is to go to a jewelry store and ask them to size you. The second is to print out Balfour's guide here and size yourself at home. The third is to visit the Balfour table when they are on campus and have them size you. The next tabling date is February 8 in Blackwell Ballroom from 4 - 7 pm. No matter which option you pick, make sure the finger you are sizing is the finger you plan to wear your ring on.

Q: What are the options? How expensive is the class ring?

There are three different styles, seven metal options, and the ability to engrave the inside of your ring! All of these, except engraving, factor into the cost of an individual's ring. Balfour does offer a payment plan to split your purchase into three payments. You can build your ring at Ballfour's Longwood page

Q: Why is the deadline to order two months before the ceremony?

Each ring is custom-made and unique to each student. We work with Balfour each year to coordinate the deadline based on their processing times and the date of Ring Ceremony. The deadline to get your ring for the 2024 Ring Ceremony is February 8, 2024.

Q: What if I want to order from a company other than Balfour (e.g. Etsy, Walmart, Jostens, Amazon, Herff-Jones, etc.)?

Companies other than Balfour are not allowed to use the Longwood University name or seal on their rings, although it is possible to find companies or private vendors who will do so. Only students who order an official Longwood class ring through Balfour will automatically receive an invitation to participate in Ring Ceremony. If you are gifting your student a class ring that is not purchased through Balfour and would like your student to participate, please email alumni@longwood.edu so that we can extend an invitation.

Q: I missed the deadline to order and my ring won't be ready by Ring Ceremony. Can I participate in next year's ceremony?

Absolutely! We always request a list of students that have ordered rings after the deadline so we can invite them to the next year's ceremony.