
Accompanists are contracted independently and are paid monthly by students for lessons, studio classes, departmental recitals, juries and junior/senior recitals. Students are also responsible for providing music for the accompanist. Speak with your applied teacher and with individual accompanists to make arrangements.

Voice Majors

Voice majors generally engage the services of an accompanist for a half-hour rehearsal and a half-hour of lesson time each week (1 hour a week total). This time commitment is often increased during a semester when a recital will be given. Students should make contact before lessons begin to schedule a regular weekly rehearsal time.

Instrumental Majors

Instrumental majors engage the services of an accompanist as needed. Students should make contact at the beginning of the semester to reserve time with an accompanist. A minimum of two rehearsals and a lesson is required before a performance of any kind; more difficult music will require more preparation. During the semester of a recital, an instrumentalist should schedule a regular weekly rehearsal time with the accompanist.

Piano Majors

Piano majors at the 200 and 300 level are expected to gain experience in accompanying. Dr. Kinzer will help to coordinate accompanying responsibilities; students are also welcome to suggest an accompanying arrangement.


All entering freshmen will be advised about class registration during Orientation and Registration by a member of the Music Faculty. Students who do not attend O&R will be advised during Late Registration, also by a Music Faculty member. This faculty member may or may not be the student's permanent advisor. During the first semester each music major will be assigned to a Faculty Advisor, normally one from the student's primary area, who will continue to advise the student throughout the college career.

Students wishing to receive Advanced Placement in Music Theory must receive a score of 4 on all music theory sub tests.

Each semester students will schedule an appointment with their advisor the week prior to Pre registration to discuss classes for the next semester. Actual registration is done online. Students may register at designated times depending on their class standing. These times are publicized in advance online.

Students must be responsible for course planning and must consult the catalog and remain aware of the timeline for music course offerings as posted on the Department of Music's web page.

Health and Safety

A number of Health and Safety issues are specific to the field of Music. Foremost among these is Hearing Health. Hearing is essential to your lifelong success as a musician. Your hearing can be permanently damaged by loud sounds, including music. This is called Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL). Such danger is constant, but is generally preventable. The links below provide information about the dangers and prevention of hearing loss, as well as other risks common to the physical activities involved in many musical professions.   

Applied Music Fees

The university assesses each music major and minor a private applied lesson fee of $285 each semester of applied study. This fee allows for up to 3 credit hours of applied study in the primary area during any given semester. Students who withdraw from applied instruction after the "add period" ends will be billed that amount even though the study is not completed. A portion of the applied music fee supports activities in the Department of Music.

Applied study may be offered to non-music majors or as elective study for music majors on a space available basis. Elective applied study requires the approval of the Department Chair and an additional fee of $355 per semester.

Copyright Law

Longwood University, as well as all students, faculty, and staff, are obliged to comply with the United States Copyright Law. This law has many ramifications, but most importantly to music majors, this means that it is never legal to make a photocopy of sheet music without the prior permission of the publisher. It makes no difference whether you are copying for profit or not, without written permission copying is illegal. Even music which is out of print cannot be copied without prior authorization. The same holds true of audio recordings and video cassettes.

Examples of things which are illegal, and therefore not permitted include:

  • making a photocopy of an accompaniment for use by your accompanist. 
  • performing from photocopied music. 
  • photocopying a work you have checked out of the library. 
  • making of copy of a CD, cassette, or album, whether from the library or of your own performance.
  • copying software from a department-owned computer. 
  • using a department-owned computer to download copyrighted files, recordings or software.

These are just examples of acts which are not permitted, not a comprehensive list. If you have questions contact your applied teacher or the Department Chair.