Midterm Of The Semester Prior To The Recital

After consulting with your applied teacher and selecting a recital committee, submit a recital request form to the Music Department Office for approval by the Applied Music Committee for the requested time and date.

Recital Committee

The recital committee should consist of the student's applied teacher plus two other music faculty members. One of these two faculty should be in the same applied area. 

Reserve Recital Hall

Once the recital and hearing dates are approved, you must reserve the recital hall through Conferences and Scheduling: http://go.longwood.edu/r25schedule

Please indicate on the form if you wish to have your recital recorded.

Beginning of the Recital Semester

You must be enrolled with an applied instructor in the semester during which the recital is to be presented.

If a reception is planned following the recital, contact the Music Department secretary to reserve the Haga Room and make any necessary arrangements. Specifics of the reception and any other details of the recital should be handled by consulting with the applied teacher. Receptions should be simple, focusing on the performer or performers. Post recital dinners or parties should be held at a location other than the Wygal Music Building.

Two weeks before the recital hearing:
The student will select the recital hearing jury. The jury shall consist of the student's applied teacher plus two other music faculty members. One of these two faculty should be in the same applied area.

Submit the completed computer printed program to the applied teacher for full approval. Sample programs can be found in the music department handbook appendices. The program should be prepared in the exact size and format you plan for the final printed recital program. This means using the same computer fonts, styles, and sizes. Be sure to include in the format who, what, when, and where. Give full titles of works, opus numbers or other cataloging or identifying numbers, and/or date of composition. Give the full name of each composer and birth and death (if applicable) dates, the first time a composer's name appears on the program. For example, if two works by Mozart are being performed, birth and death dates need only be listed for the first work. Check all information for accuracy of spelling, including language accents.

One Week Before the Recital Hearing

After the applied teacher has approved the program, it should be given to each recital committee member. Add the date and time of the hearing and timings for each work/movement to recital program model.

The Recital Hearing

All music must be ready to be performed at the hearing. The first work (or first movement of a multi-movement work) will always be performed to give the performer the chance to display proper stage etiquette. The length of all recital hearings will be 60% of the program. Not all works will be heard on the recital hearing, but all must be prepared.

The recital hearing is designed to achieve the following goals:

  • That the music to be performed in recital is prepared well enough in advance of the recital itself to allow time for its final polishing and maturation.
  • That the student be given another performance opportunity before the recital.
  • That students have the opportunity to receive constructive comments and suggestions from faculty which can help improve the quality of the recital performance.

The hearing will be held in the same place as the recital is to be performed. Hearing attire should be similar to that worn for performing on the recital. All repertoire presented on the hearing is to be done exactly as you expect to perform it on the recital. Any changes in content, personnel, instrumentation, or other arrangements must be approved by the faculty. For a composition recital the student must bring scores of all works to be performed and either arrange for a live performance or bring a recording of all works.

Immediately Following the Hearing

The Hearing Coordinator will inform you whether you have passed or whether any portion of the hearing is to be reheard. The decision of the faculty on each individual piece will be pass or fail. If any repertoire on the hearing is marked fail by a majority of the faculty, a rehearing of that work is required. The student and applied teacher should immediately confer with the Hearing Coordinator to schedule the rehearing time - usually two or three days after the hearing. Works not passed on the second hearing must be taken off the program. If a work or works are canceled from the program, a revised program must be prepared and submitted to the Hearing Coordinator and the applied teacher within one day after the rehearing for approval. The minimum time of music required must still be met. If upon the decision of the jury, the time falls significantly short, the recital will be canceled.

When you have passed the hearing or rehearing, your applied teacher will read the faculty's comments to you. If you receive a majority of pass for ALL compositions, and if the faculty has asked for no changes in the program, the program will automatically be submitted to the Music Office. If changes need to be made in the program, consult with your applied teacher to make the corrections as soon as possible. Upon approval, the applied teacher will turn in the program to the Music Office. Programs must be submitted no later than two weeks prior to the recital date. Between initial preparation and final printing, the student and the applied teacher should proofread the program.

Recital Grade

The recital will be graded by each member of the recital committee.


Any publicity, fliers or posters, after approval by the applied instructor or applied area coordinator and the Department Chair are the financial responsibility of the student.

Other Recital Details

You are responsible to locate ushers to pass out programs and control the doors to insure no one enters during a performance. A stage manager should be located to open the stage door when performers enter and leave the stage. If a change of stage setup is required during your program, additional stage crew may also be required to keep the setup time to a minimum. The stage crew should take part in the dress rehearsals for the recital as well. All equipment, materials and supplies used in the Haga Room or on the stage for the recital must be cleared immediately following the recital.

Any other details about the recital hearing or the recital itself should be discussed and cleared with the applied teacher.